Série skvělých fotografií z USBC, od Conrada Altmanna.

Fotografie jsou na adrese http://altmannhaus.com/usbc/.

USBC (United States Barista Competition) – Mistrovství baristů Spojených států. Je to stejná soutěž, jako teď proběhnuvší »Barista roku 2012« v ČR. Vítězkou USBC se stala Katie Carguilo (rozhovor[eng.]) z New Yorkského Counter Culture Coffee. Stejně jako i Adam Neubauer, bude v rakouské Vídni soutěžit o titul World Barista Champion, na »2012 World Barista Championship«.

Conrad Altmann o okolnostech vzniku fotografií říká: »I had the pleasure of traveling to the USBC (United States Barista Competition) and the SCAA expo this past weekend. The goal was to meet new people in the industry, reminisce with old friends, and not the least, to support our hometown coffee professionals and friends that were competing in the Barista Competition.«[2]

Conrad is a former coffee roaster, bike messenger, masseur, nanny, and barista. But now he spends his days dreaming of ligatures and grids. Despite no longer being directly in the coffee industry, Conrad aims to maintain his ties by design. He has done work for clients in coffee such as Barefoot, Mypressi, La Marzocco, and Verve; and hopes to further support brand growth throughout the industry.[3]

1 http://www.altmannhaus.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/usbc/usbc-22.jpg

2 http://altmannhaus.com/usbc/
3 http://altmannhaus.com/about/
4 https://twitter.com/#!/katiecarguilo
5 http://sprudge.com/counter-cultures-carguilo-crowned-competition-champ.html
6 http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/23/new-yorks-champion-barista-makes-it-look-easy/