
Jen taková zajímavost, jak některým dělalo problémy rozluštit nápis/logo. Ale aspoň že teď už výrobce používá novější, čitelnější logotyp… :-)

»Astoria will be in Milan at Host 2009 with a new corporate image. This change is the outcome of its corporate strategy to bring the Astoria brand image more in line with a vision and a market position that express excellence, research and innovation, teamwork and a passion for work, as well as ongoing improvement.
Starting with the logo, which retains the company’s red colour and the distinct shapes of Astoria, the stylistic lines have been softened and simplified for a contemporary look, in line with the leading concepts of a company that looks to the future but never forgets the espresso coffee tradition.« [6]

1 http://www.interencheres.com/ventes_aux_encheres/print_vente_etude.php?clef_etude=29006&clef_vente=201203150052
2 http://www.home-barista.com/knockbox/craziest-ing-thing-i-have-seen-all-day-t1586-940.html
3 http://www.elrastro.cl/aviso_3779699-cafetera-oletoria-nueva.html
4 http://stores.homestead.com/enatour/-strse-166/AETORIA-ESPRESSO-MACHINE-115/Detail.bok
5 http://www.hydroponicsonline.com/store/OLETORIA-INDUSTIAL-CAPPUCCINO-MACHINE-CH_280783645966.html
6 http://www.astoria.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Media-Kit/PressRelease_Host09_en.pdf
7 http://ebookbrowse.com/pressrelease-host09-en-pdf-d109045749